Atari 2600
Secret Quest

Vorstellung 07.01.1989
(Dunes Hotel, USA Las Vegas)
Veröffentlicht Q2/1989
Vertrieb Atari
Atari Corporation
1196 Borregas Ave
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
Entwicklung Axlon
Axlon Entertainment
1287 Lawrence Station Rd
Sunnyvale, CA 94089
Programmierung Steve DeFrisco
Produktcode CX26170
Genre Adventure
Medium Steckmodul
Steuerung Joystick
Spieler 1
Wertung ★★★★★

Secret Quest

Vicious creatures now occupy eight vital space stations in their effort to conquer our peaceful solar system. It is up to you to destroy these locations and their evil inhabitants in order to save the human race. There are 16 different aliens including such monsters as Laser Gate, Medusa, Bear Trap and Dragon. To eliminate them you'll need an Energy Sword. But, that's not all. Those creatures will use up your oxygen supply and sap your strength. Destroy them and win back energy pods and oxygen bottles. Find sonic keys to open sonic doors; gain access to the station's re-entry code and then battle your way to the self-destruct mechanism. Once you have inserted the code get to the teleport chamber fast or you will be destroyed along with the space station!
It's furious, non-stop action. You'll need speed, courage, combat, skills, and a sharp sense of direction. You, and only you are mankind's last hipe. Good luck on your quest!

Zwar wirbt das Spiel damit, dass es von Atari-Gründer Nolan Bushnell entwickelt worden sei, dabei wurde es von Steve deFrisco programmiert, der bei Bushnells Firma Axlon angestellt war.

Save Mary! Sentinel

Letzte Seitenbearbeitung: 11. Juli 2024